Corporate Wellness

What is Corporate Wellness?
Investing in your business is always a good idea when it brings returns. Who better to invest in than your employees? Studies have long proven that employees who regularly exercise, eat healthy balanced diet and understand how to maintain that balanced health will handle the pressures of daily life and work at a more productive level.

Another known benefit is that insurance companies are prepared to reduce your costs knowing that your employees are living a healthier life which in turn results in less doctors visits and more money in their pockets as well as more money in your pockets through less sick days and more money in your employees pockets through more working days. In other words a win-win situation for all.

To keep your employees happy, constructive and healthy we offer a variety of services in our Corporate Wellness Programs, including but not limited to:

Mobile phone app Workout logs Accountability Systems Healthy recipes Nutrition facts Fitness concepts Proper form instruction Fitness & Nutrition Education Personal Training (1-on-1 up to 1-on-3) Kettlebell Yoga Boot camps Virtual interaction Group Classes

Fitness Classes create a team atmosphere, reduce insurance costs, and extend the efficiency and overall health and wellness of your employees.

Personal training is a more tailored program for the individual who wants to take it to the next level or can not make the scheduled classes.

Fitness and Nutrition Education allows your employees to understand the importance of fitness, how to prevent injuries through proper form, and maintain a balanced healthy diet including recipe ideas.

Accountability Systems ensure that participants stay involved and are interactive on their road to well-being!

We also offer newsletters with current exercise and nutrition findings, fitness tests, nutrition tips, recipes, self stretches. This can be customized to include company specific information as well as industry related news.